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I am an Assistant Professor in Evry-Val d'Essonne University. I belong to the COSMO team (COmmunications, Spécifications et MOdèles) within the IBISC laboratory (Informatics, Integrative Biology and Complex Systems).

My research interests are articulated around multi-agent systems and develop along three complementary axes.
  • In the first axe, I work at developing new concepts and techniques for the modelling and simulation of complex systems, especially biological ones;
  • In the second axe, I work at enhancing graphical user interfaces, so as to make them more adaptive and user-friendly;
  • In the third axe, I work at mixing formal models of concurrency and multi-agent systems in order to rapidly prototype distributed, adaptive and real-time systems
I collaborate since 1993 with multimedia artist Bernard Gortais on the creation of interactive, multimedia artworks: What's the weather like in Caplan, The Garden of Chances, Mutations, MACHINE, Divercity, On the other side of the sea


multi-agent systems, biological complex systems, agent-based simulation, computer-human interaction, graphical user interfaces, computer art, distributed systems, reactive systems, real-time systems, formal models of concurrency, programming by example, analogical reasoning


: Habilitation thesis, Evry-Val d'Essonne University. « Le Has(Art) et la néce(Cité) - Une approche (auto-)poïétique des systèmes complexes » These.pdf.

Since 2000
: Assistant Professor in Evry-Val d'Essonne University, in the LIS team (Language Interaction Simulation) at the IBISC Laboratory  (Informatique, Biologie Intégrative et Systèmes Complexes).

: Phd in Artificial Intelligence under the direction of Dr. Jean-Pierre Briot (DR/CNRS) and Alexis Drogoul, in the OASIS (Objects ans Agents for the Simulation and Information Systems) team at Lip6/CNRS, Pierre et Marie Curie University (Paris 6). « Du Jardin des Hasards aux Jardins de Données : une approche artistique et multi-agent des interfaces homme / systèmes complexes » These.pdf.

: IARFA (Intelligence Artificielle, Reconnaissance des Formes et Applications) Master in Pierre et Marie Curie University (Paris 6).

To contact me or to visit me, please click on the contact link on the menu bar on your left.

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  Teaching / Enseignement
    mSSB (Agent Based Simul.)
    Informatique Générale
    Programmation Impérative
Université d'Evry
      Val d'Essonne CNRS Genopole
Last modified on September 17th 2010