Deux séminaires organisés à IBISC les 19 et 21 mars 2019, site Pelvoux, en présence de Andreas RAUH et de Julia KERSTEN, Univ. Rostock (Allemagne)

/, Evénements, Séminaires organisés à l'IBISC ou par des membres de l'IBISC/Deux séminaires organisés à IBISC les 19 et 21 mars 2019, site Pelvoux, en présence de Andreas RAUH et de Julia KERSTEN, Univ. Rostock (Allemagne)

Deux séminaires organisés à IBISC les 19 et 21 mars 2019, site Pelvoux, en présence de Andreas RAUH et de Julia KERSTEN, Univ. Rostock (Allemagne)

Main Topic: A Unified Interval Approach for Parameter Identification, State Estimation and Robust
Control of Spatially Distributed Heating Systems with Uncertainty

Offline parameter identification as well as online estimation of state variables are common
tasks for a large variety of control applications. These tasks become especially challenging if
parameters are not known with absolute accuracy. Then, interval representations can be used
to describe worst-case bounds of uncertain parameters and to compute guaranteed
enclosures of the trajectories of all state variables. In this series of talks, an interval-based
parameter identification procedure is presented, extended to an observer approach, and
validated experimentally for a finite volume representation of a distributed heating system.
Moreover, linear matrix inequality techniques are derived and validated experimentally for a
robust, cooperativity preserving synthesis of feedback controllers. The unified benchmark
application for all subtasks is a distributed heating system with Peltier elements serving as
cooling and/or heating devices available at the Chair of Mechatronics at the university of
Rostock. In all design phases for parameter identification, state estimation, and control
synthesis, the structural system property of cooperativity is exploited which allows for
constructing two independent sets of state equations describing guaranteed lower and upper
bounds of all system states.

Speakers short bio:
Andreas RAUH received his diploma degree in electrical engineering and information
technology from the Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany, in 2001 and his PhD
degree (Dr.-Ing.) from the University of Ulm, Germany, in 2008. He completed his habilitation
at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology at the University of Rostock
in 2017 (equivalent to the venia legendi). He has published more than 120 articles and chapters
in edited books, international conferences and peer-reviewed journals. His research interests
are: state and parameter estimation for stochastic and set-valued uncertainties, verified
simulation of nonlinear uncertain systems, nonlinear, robust, and optimal control, interval
methods for ordinary differential equations as well as differential-algebraic systems. Dr. Rauh
is currently with the Chair of Mechatronics, University of Rostock, Germany, as post-doctoral
researcher. Among others, he has been a member of the IEEE 1788 Working Group for the
Standardization of Interval Arithmetic since 2008.

Julia KERSTEN got her Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of
Rostock in 2014. Since then, the PhD student is working as a researcher at the Chair of
Mechatronics. Her research deals mainly with the optimization of efficiency and reliability of
energy systems based on robust interval-based control under consideration of uncertainties and

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